Stone Dusting


The Bird Machines stone dusting machine range is comprehensive, and the range includes self-propelled units, tractor-trailed units, and electric or hydraulic-powered stationary units with hopper capacities from 100kg to 5,000 kg. Bird Machines together with ITW (Australia) have also introduced the Airo-dust® process in South Africa that applies stone dust in foam format allowing stone dusting without vacating the area (wet stone dusting). Whatever the stone dusting requirement, Bird Machines will almost certainly have the machine for the job.


Stone Duster


Dedicated all-wheel drive stone duster vehicle, fully flameproofed and capable of stone dusting up to 5.5m high roadways in a single pass. The vehicle is articulated and oscillated for maximum manoeuvrability in rough conditions.


Discharge rate: 480kg/min, Hopper capacity 3000 – 5000kg


Stone Duster


Tractor-towed, PTO-powered (mechanical or hydraulic), trailer-type stone duster with two counterrotating centrifugal fans that distribute the air/dust mixture in an arc through adjustable fan cowlings. The fantail is typically used to stone dust underground roadways and in-section areas. Fantail stone duster is available in low, semi-low, standard and high seam variants.


Discharge rate: ~300 – 480kg/min, Hopper capacity: 3000kg


Stone Duster


The Bantam is a small and easy to handle hydraulic or electric driven stone duster, designed to stone dust smaller in-section areas e.g. beltways.  Discharge is via a pipe (max 30m length) with handheld nozzle. The Bantam can be skid or trolley mounted for easy manoeuvring.


Discharge rate: 9 – 25kg/min, Hopper capacity 200kg


Stone Duster


Dedicated all-wheel drive stone duster vehicle, fully flameproofed and capable of stone dusting up to 5.5m high roadways in a single pass. The vehicle is articulated and oscillated for maximum manoeuvrability in rough conditions.


Discharge rate: 480kg/min, Hopper capacity: 3000 – 5000kg


Stone Duster


Flameproof electric drive Trickle duster discharges a continuous stream of stone dust into the return airway.  The rate of discharge can be adjusted.


Rate: ~1-5 kg/min, Hopper capacity: 75kg

Pressure Vessel

Stone Duster


Tractor towed electric or PTO driven Pressure Vessel Stone duster is designed for stone dusting over long distances up to 70m. Discharge is through a hose with hand held nozzle. The dust conveying system is completely air-operated with a control system that senses the pressure in the conveying line and modulates the dust supply on demand.


Rate ~80kg/min, Hopper capacity: 2000kg